Mobility as a Service
Today’s passengers have the opportunity of choosing between several options to get from points A to B, whether by bus, tram, bicycle, walking, car, carpooling or electric scooters. They are also demanding more, with needs for more connected, comfortable, inclusive and sustainable motility. They expect to have real-time options, whether they are comfortable with digital tools.
By bringing together all the mobility solutions, MaaS provides the possibility of offering an intelligent and personalised travel companion, and to promote sustainable and shared mobility.
Thanks to its recognised expertise as a mobility integrator, Keolis Downer helps public transport authorities (PTA) develop tailormade solutions adapted to the territories and their specificities and needs, so that MaaS becomes a real accelerator for modal shift.
The goal is to provide passengers with a single interface, integrating all the offers and the necessary functions, from searching for an itinerary combining several modes of transport, to validating tickets, with a single customer account.
What’s more, MaaS is becoming the companion for all journeys, providing the peace of mind we have all been waiting for when choosing the itinerary that suits us best, making sure that our bus will arrive or that the self-service bicycle will be available, and guiding us throughout the journey, whether it’s for a connection or in the case of a disruption.
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Keolis Downer supports PTA’s integrated mobility policy
Keolis Downer’s four principles for a MaaS offer, include the following:
1. Design an attractive, integrated offer
Keolis Downer helps PTAs deploy efficient mobility offer that meets local mobility needs and specificities. Furthermore, we support the complete integration of mobility services to bring vitality and dynamism to public transport services and encourage the use of shared and sustainable mobility solutions.
2. Ensure governance and multistakeholder coordination
As a pioneer of integrated and multimodal networks, with experience in successful partnerships, Keolis Downer provides the necessary coordination between public and private players to choose technical solutions, create new business models, and to set up and manage the appropriate governance over the long term.
3. Build a customised solution with the best partners
With its extensive knowledge of the transport environment and technological tools available, Keolis Downer helps PTAs define and deploy a customised solution. Keolis Downer favours technology solutions that favour user sovereignty over their own digital data.
4. Deploy a personalised and inclusive service
Whilst MaaS is a complex and technical subject, with the right partners and the right positioning in a complete multi-channel marketing and customer relations system, it becomes a real asset to encourage shared mobility at a local level by simplifying the experience for all passengers.
Our Experience
Keolis Downer is currently working with Transport for New South Wales to include first and last mile on demand services with the trial of a new transport App called Opal Plus App.
The app will allow subscribers to plan, book and pay for a tailored customer experience. Opal+ will let passengers to plan intelligent multi-leg journeys across a variety of public and private transport services. Further information on the trail can be found here Get more with Opal+ |
If you are considering an integrated transport MaaS project in Australia or would like further information on Keolis Downer MaaS capabilities, please contact: Joanne Murray, Head of New Mobilities on email
International experience
Keolis Downer also draws on its expertise overseas from Keolis. Keolis France has developed its own MaaS passenger information platform called Navitia, developed by Kisio Digital, the Group’s digital subsidiary. The platform is open source, open service and open data, delivering a complete MaaS platform for PTAs.

To find out more about our international experience visit our parent company Keolis